Baby Logan
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Our Little Angel Got Her Wings Today
This was the happiest week of our lives. We are so happy that so many of our friends and family were able to meet our special baby. We are told all the time that her little spirit has influenced peoples' lives in big ways. We are honored to be her parents and hope that we always make her proud. If Logan's short life has impacted you,in big or small way, it would mean a lot to us if you would share how in the comments below or in an email to This will be a strength to us for the tough times to come.
Thank you to all of you who have shared in this journey and allowed it to be as great as it has been. We have met many selfless and giving people through this and have cried many grateful tears. Thank you.
We will be taking some time for ourselves to grieve and heal, so there will likely not be another blog post soon. But we wanted to share a tribute to our Logan Rylee. Neither of us are big Tom Petty fans, but this song is perfect.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Cherishing Day Number 6
The weather was nice enough today to take Logan on her first stroller ride. It was nice to get out of the house, and was an experience we wanted to share with her. We snapped a bunch more photos and watched her sleep for hours. We are falling deeper and deeper in love with this little girl and it breaks our hearts to know that soon we'll be alone again. Logan has pulled us closer together. She has impacted many lives in various ways. Here are some of our cherished moments with our angel today.

We can't post another entry without recognizing Logan's four-legged sister Lexis Marie. The two of them are slowly bonding. Today Lexis gave Logan kisses and it melted our hearts.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Absolutely Special Day Number 5
Okay, on to the good stuff- today Logan had a very busy schedule. She had a mixture of medical visits and then visits with special friends.
Medical Visits...Logan loves her Hospice Angel Maureen who takes very good care of her. Logan also had an appointment at the University Hospital with an Audiologist to check her hearing. She was so good the whole time she was tested. After the appointment we walked around labor and delivery and found some of the people that helped with her delivery. They were so excited to meet her and of course they were just crazy over her hair.
Visits with special friends... Logan met lots of friends from the town she was named after today. So special to have friends drive so far to show their love for her. Logan also got to meet one special friend whose name is also LOGAN. This Logan is extra special because he has a special heart just like her. They live in our neighborhood and his mom was such a light to me in some dark moments as I feared I would never meet my sweet baby. Their Logan is adorable scooting around. He is one couragous little guy as he has been through a lot with his little heart. We love him and his family and pray for them as they go through their journey. I am so happy that Logan got to meet him. I believe that our Logan will watch over him when she returns to Heaven.
Finally, Logan got to relax tonight with a nice oil bath. She is just so stinking cute. I am one proud mama. Being a mother is amazing and I wouldn't trade my precious days for anything. This experience has strengthened the love that Bryan and I have and I also wouldn't trade that for anything.
Here are some cute pictures from our Special Day.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spectacular Day 4
People have been praying for a miracle for us- we feel as though we have already received it. We have had 4 amazing days with our baby. Bryan and I never thought that we would make it this far. We are so thankful for all of the love that we have been shown. I posted a picture of Logan to my facebook and 40 people commented on it. This is one loved baby.
We know that shortly baby Logan will return to her Heavenly Father. We struggle to comprehend the loss we are about to face but are comforted in our beliefs that we will see her again. Today we are feeling very grateful for this spectacular day.
Here are a few pictures from the photo shoot today and one of Logan on her first field trip. We took her to Target. Not the most glamorous place for a baby this cute but so fun to feel like normal parents that get to put their carseat in a cart and push her around. Very grateful for today.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Miracle Day Three
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Another Special Day